YONI Soap, Roots, Fruits and Herbs ACV Yoni Soap Bar
Made with herbs that support Vaginal health. Yoni bars were created to assist the promotion of healthy vaginal bacteria and regulating your PH. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has been added to cleanse and detox your delicate area. 100% Natural Feminine Cleansing, this bar of soap is made with only organic ingredients!
Ingredients: Sarsaparilla, Root, Mint Honeylocust Fruit, Pulslatill, Tree bark, Paris Herb, Amer Corti, Baical, Skullcap, Root, Bai Zhu, Cnidium Fruit, Dittany Root Sichuan, Chlorhexidine Acetate, Groomwell Root and Callandula flowers.